2011-10-09 - Capital Crescent Trail with Mary

^z 9th February 2023 at 6:37pm

~6 miles @ ~13.4 min/mi

"I'd never go out like that!" Mary Ewell whispers to me. At the tunnel under Wisconsin Ave a young lady has just zipped by us, ponytail swinging. She's wearing striking little, and that little is strikingly snug. "Well, except during a race," Mary concedes. I refrain from comment.

At ~11am Mary drives us from home to the 0.3 mile unofficial starting point of the Georgetown Branch/Capital Crescent Trail. We trot to Bethesda and tag Woodmont Av before turning back. Cyclists seem unusually polite today and mostly announce "On your left!" before they pass. Post-run we attack an egg foo young at the Chinese restaurant on Grubb Rd. Then Mary visits with the Dickerson-Zimmermann family, always a pleasure.

(cf. GPS trackfile, ...) - ^z - 2011-10-30